A Message For The Hopeless Romantic Who Has Unrealistic Ideas About Love

3 min readFeb 14, 2021

Dear Hopeless Romantic,

Your idea of love is a tough pill to swallow — it simply isn’t realistic. You overanalyse everything and look for grand gestures that will sweep your off your feet. When it doesn’t come, you feel empty and disappointed.

You have been that way since you watched your first rom-com. You melted as the damsel in distress was rescued by her prince charming. I have been there, I remember the feelings of hopefulness that it stirred within me, right from a tender age.

You put that notion above everything and desperately clung to the idea that when your coveted partner comes, you will finally be whole. You think that until then, anything you achieve in life is not worth celebrating in its entirely.

I can’t blame you for thinking that way. Everything you have seen in the movies has echoed this message. Even some of your inner circle of married friends and family — repeat these messages. They single shame you and ask when you are going to settle down. As if being single is a disease. Some even think that if you are not married by a certain age, there must be something wrong with you.

There is nothing wrong with being single




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